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Archived [Baren] Digests (Text files - load and save with your browser)

Volume #14 (Jan. '01 ~ March '01 )

Green Drop Inks, Happy New Year, to seal or not to seal...
Lino vs. wood, lino tools, giclee...
Introduction from Singapore...
Acua colors, lino plus wood...

Not much...
E-mail problems, ink types, Israel show...
Ink, private e-mail, censorship of group, cutting fine lines...
Members moving on, state abbr's. ...
Hanga on linoleum, Isreal show patrons...
Cherry Blossom fest., beg. hanga, forum, Chinese "water printing", lino...
LA hanga classes, warming lino, Chinese printmaking...
Chop site, John Root baren, SCG...
More lino, stencil brushes, Baren Mall, paper...
Aussie ink, paper suggestions, Mall comments...

Snake exchange, brush alternatives, supply sources, NW Print Council...
Short well wishing...
Yamaguchi paper, giclee, segmented blocks...
Swap shop, preparing brushes, xerox prints...
Printing brushes, more giclee...
Digital vs. hand made prints, Baltic Birch, subject matter, critics...
Critics, subject matter, mall order...
Cypress wood, purpose of art, Woodcuts of Women...
Animals, Frogman's...
Wood engraving, subject matter, personal aspects...

Personal values, critics, powdered pigments...
Plastic barens...
Motivations, woodgrain showing...
Plywood plug, book illos...
Lawrence's illustrations, silk cut lino...
Birch supplier, "good work" comments...
Car prints, washing wringer presses, Bull exhibit...
Dave's exhibit, treatise on evaluating students, aspen wood ...

Endangered Species exchange, Yuri's wood...
E.S. exchange, yuri's #'s...
Exchanges, wood engraving video, non-representational work...
Online copywright issues, Mall's Yamaguchi paper...
Dan Smith inks, copyright case, oil-based cleaners...
Akua Kolor, clean-up solvents, list of Baren exhibits, watercolor recipe...
Copyright link, more clean-up...
Sarah's prints, Green Drop Inks, mineral and baby oil...
Munataka quote, clean-up, Munakato...
Oil clean-up...
Munakata, odor vs. fumes, shipping work...

Shipping, Green Drop vs. Akua Kolor, monoprints...
April's site, "Edge" show, inks, Endangered Species, "swiping"...
Portfolio boxes, woodblock books, swiping images, prinmaking position, sleeves...
Skokie show, copyright-free imagery...
Image approval, H20-soluable inks, press for sale...
Copyright, Mundie print, H2O inks...
Graphic Chem.'s inks, Leaf show, congrats to Mssr. Mundie...
Barium in inks, pigments/inks...
Toxics, ability levels, copyright...
Warning labels, species exchange, donating...

Munikata video, donations, Graph. Chem. vs. Dan Smith...
Donations, toxics...
Waterbase in Brazil, good wood...
Wood, improv materials...
Toxics, Tyvec, exchanges...
Mildew, Aussie wood, sizing recipes, unwarping wood, round holes, hand coloring...
Russian birch, cherrywood, donations, MFD...
MFD, sizing, mildew, hand coloring, acrylic paint..
MFD, mildew, Neri-zumi, hand coloring, Uganda artists..

MFD, stenciling, mildew, sizing...
Mildew, sizing, hand coloring...
Greece show, other forums, mistakes, hanga...
Soaking paper, mold/mildew, hanga basics...
Hanga, methyl cellulose, Yamaguchi paper, sizing...
BB baren, silica gel, paper...
Japan Society, plate vs. matrix, mold, paper...
Western/eastern, mall update, FL Printmakers, editioning...
Paper, editioning, evaluing prints...
Editioning, fixing drawings...

Fixatives, Maria's show, drawing...
E. Ninosecki, fixatives, PVA ...
Etching press quest, ELVAIS, bb baren...
PVA, etching ink for blocks, #8 exchange sent...
Sobo glue, acid-free...
Acid-free vs. archival, Pochoir...
Introductions, Root baren, Unichi Hiratsuka, hanga basics, ...
Sign presses, photographing work...
Intros, proofing presses, 'white line print', dulling wood...
Dan's show, birches, sizing...
Encyclopedia, 'white line prints', Baren cudos...

Pochoir, NZ online mag...
Small presses, bb baren, McClain's, Pochoir...
Pochoir, NZ online mag...
SGC, hanga basics, woodgrain, editioning, printing posture...
Sanding wood, wetting paper...
Printing tables, paper, Aiko's, Rives vs. Yamaguchi, good hosho papermaking primer...
Cutting tables, bickering, paper problems...
Carving posture, work surfaces, methyl cellulose, Ryobi carver...
Yamaguchi paper, problem solving, bootcamp, birch...

Wood, Picasso, Dew prints...
Dew prints, refuse, Baren regulations...
Reduction prints, registration board, exchange...
Arango show, exchanges...
Initial sketch transfer, rules, using alcohol...
Not much...
Exchange 8, Methocel...
Methocellulose, flax paper, Printing on black paper...
Black paper, unryu, rollers, Dinh Luc...
Black paper, exchange responses, dry paper...

Andy's site, damp/dry paper, 'holey paper', tearing edges...
Deckling, black paper, dampening paper, watercolor over oil, open editions...
Strathmore Recycled, Hiromi Paper...
Snakes, oil paint, paper...
Stonehenge paper, oil pigments...

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