Volume #14 (Jan. '01 ~ March '01 )
- #1266
- Green Drop Inks, Happy New Year, to seal or not to seal...
- #1267
- Lino vs. wood, lino tools, giclee...
- #1268
- Introduction from Singapore...
- #1269
- Acua colors, lino plus wood...
- #1270
- Not much...
- #1271
- E-mail problems, ink types, Israel show...
- #1272
- Ink, private e-mail, censorship of group, cutting fine lines...
- #1273
- Members moving on, state abbr's. ...
- #1274
- Hanga on linoleum, Isreal show patrons...
- #1275
- Cherry Blossom fest., beg. hanga, forum, Chinese "water printing", lino...
- #1276
- LA hanga classes, warming lino, Chinese printmaking...
- #1277
- Chop site, John Root baren, SCG...
- #1278
- More lino, stencil brushes, Baren Mall, paper...
- #1279
- Aussie ink, paper suggestions, Mall comments...
- #1280
- Snake exchange, brush alternatives, supply sources, NW Print Council...
- #1281
- Short well wishing...
- #1282
- Yamaguchi paper, giclee, segmented blocks...
- #1283
- Swap shop, preparing brushes, xerox prints...
- #1284
- Printing brushes, more giclee...
- #1285
- Digital vs. hand made prints, Baltic Birch, subject matter, critics...
- #1286
- Critics, subject matter, mall order...
- #1287
- Cypress wood, purpose of art, Woodcuts of Women...
- #1288
- Animals, Frogman's...
- #1289
- Wood engraving, subject matter, personal aspects...
- #1290
- Personal values, critics, powdered pigments...
- #1291
- Reviews...
- #1292
- Plastic barens...
- #1293
- Mall...
- #1294
- Motivations, woodgrain showing...
- #1295
- Plywood plug, book illos...
- #1296
- Lawrence's illustrations, silk cut lino...
- #1297
- Birch supplier, "good work" comments...
- #1298
- Car prints, washing wringer presses, Bull exhibit...
- #1299
- Dave's exhibit, treatise on evaluating students, aspen wood ...
- #1300
- Endangered Species exchange, Yuri's wood...
- #1301
- E.S. exchange, yuri's #'s...
- #1302
- Exchanges, wood engraving video, non-representational work...
- #1303
- Online copywright issues, Mall's Yamaguchi paper...
- #1304
- Dan Smith inks, copyright case, oil-based cleaners...
- #1305
- Akua Kolor, clean-up solvents, list of Baren exhibits, watercolor recipe...
- #1306
- Copyright link, more clean-up...
- #1307
- Sarah's prints, Green Drop Inks, mineral and baby oil...
- #1308
- Munataka quote, clean-up, Munakato...
- #1309
- Oil clean-up...
- #1310
- Munakata, odor vs. fumes, shipping work...
- #1311
- Shipping, Green Drop vs. Akua Kolor, monoprints...
- #1312
- April's site, "Edge" show, inks, Endangered Species, "swiping"...
- #1313
- Portfolio boxes, woodblock books, swiping images, prinmaking position, sleeves...
- #1314
- Skokie show, copyright-free imagery...
- #1315
- Image approval, H20-soluable inks, press for sale...
- #1316
- Copyright, Mundie print, H2O inks...
- #1317
- Graphic Chem.'s inks, Leaf show, congrats to Mssr. Mundie...
- #1318
- Barium in inks, pigments/inks...
- #1319
- Toxics, ability levels, copyright...
- #1320
- Warning labels, species exchange, donating...
- #1321
- Munikata video, donations, Graph. Chem. vs. Dan Smith...
- #1322
- Donations, toxics...
- #1323
- Waterbase in Brazil, good wood...
- #1324
- Wood, improv materials...
- #1325
- Toxics, Tyvec, exchanges...
- #1326
- Mildew, Aussie wood, sizing recipes, unwarping wood, round holes, hand coloring...
- #1327
- Russian birch, cherrywood, donations, MFD...
- #1328
- MFD, sizing, mildew, hand coloring, acrylic paint..
- #1329
- MFD, mildew, Neri-zumi, hand coloring, Uganda artists..
- #1330
- MFD, stenciling, mildew, sizing...
- #1331
- Mildew, sizing, hand coloring...
- #1332
- Greece show, other forums, mistakes, hanga...
- #1333
- Soaking paper, mold/mildew, hanga basics...
- #1334
- Hanga, methyl cellulose, Yamaguchi paper, sizing...
- #1335
- BB baren, silica gel, paper...
- #1336
- Japan Society, plate vs. matrix, mold, paper...
- #1337
- Western/eastern, mall update, FL Printmakers, editioning...
- #1338
- Paper, editioning, evaluing prints...
- #1339
- Editioning, fixing drawings...
- #1340
- Fixatives, Maria's show, drawing...
- #1341
- E. Ninosecki, fixatives, PVA ...
- #1342
- Etching press quest, ELVAIS, bb baren...
- #1343
- PVA, etching ink for blocks, #8 exchange sent...
- #1344
- Sobo glue, acid-free...
- #1345
- Acid-free vs. archival, Pochoir...
- #1346
- Introductions, Root baren, Unichi Hiratsuka, hanga basics, ...
- #1347
- Sign presses, photographing work...
- #1348
- Intros, proofing presses, 'white line print', dulling wood...
- #1349
- Dan's show, birches, sizing...
- #1350
- Encyclopedia, 'white line prints', Baren cudos...
- #1351
- Pochoir, NZ online mag...
- #1352
- Small presses, bb baren, McClain's, Pochoir...
- #1353
- Pochoir, NZ online mag...
- #1354
- SGC, hanga basics, woodgrain, editioning, printing posture...
- #1355
- Sanding wood, wetting paper...
- #1356
- Printing tables, paper, Aiko's, Rives vs. Yamaguchi, good hosho papermaking primer...
- #1357
- Cutting tables, bickering, paper problems...
- #1358
- Carving posture, work surfaces, methyl cellulose, Ryobi carver...
- #1359
- Yamaguchi paper, problem solving, bootcamp, birch...
- #1360
- Wood, Picasso, Dew prints...
- #1361
- Dew prints, refuse, Baren regulations...
- #1362
- Reduction prints, registration board, exchange...
- #1363
- Arango show, exchanges...
- #1364
- Initial sketch transfer, rules, using alcohol...
- #1365
- Not much...
- #1366
- Exchange 8, Methocel...
- #1367
- Methocellulose, flax paper, Printing on black paper...
- #1368
- Black paper, unryu, rollers, Dinh Luc...
- #1369
- Black paper, exchange responses, dry paper...
- #1370
- Andy's site, damp/dry paper, 'holey paper', tearing edges...
- #1371
- Deckling, black paper, dampening paper, watercolor over oil, open editions...
- #1372
- Strathmore Recycled, Hiromi Paper...
- #1373
- Snakes, oil paint, paper...
- #1374
- Stonehenge paper, oil pigments...