Message 1
From: "Jeanne Norman Chase"
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 18:56:41 GMT
Subject: [Baren 43200] Thanks
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Message 2
From: slinders #
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 21:37:05 GMT
Subject: [Baren 43201] EX48 Mythology - Friday quiz
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Message 3
From: Sharri LaPierre
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 01:47:28 GMT
Subject: [Baren 43202] Re: Mildew
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Message 4
From: Le Green
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 01:55:21 GMT
Subject: [Baren 43203] RE: Kathleen Baker Pittman, San Antonio Summit
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Subject: My First Baren Wrap
Posted by: Annie B
OK. You can't be a self-respecting moku hanga printmaker and not know how to wrap a baren in the pretty bamboo skins (leaves) that make a Japanese baren a baren. But here I am, coming up on my 6 year anniversary of working with moku hanga and I have never wrapped my own baren. I used it oh so carefully for the first couple of years and the skin didn't split until year 2 1/2. Then I got Matt Brown to wrap it for me at a workshop (thank you Matt). And then I took to using a ball-bearing baren for large prints, so I eked out another couple of years on the bamboo skin Matt had installed. But it's time to face the music... Last month I ordered a new skin (takenogawa) from McClain's and set about re-covering my very fine Murasaki baren. Oops. I split the skin before I could even get half the baren wrapped. And I only had one skin! So there's lesson #1. If you've never done it before, buy more than one skin. I found out that my friend Rick Finn was trying to learn to wrap a baren at the same time I was, so I checked out his new blog to see how it was going for him. He was smart enough to buy three skins to begin with, but even then he wasn't able to successfully wrap his baren. I felt better about myself (sorry Rick) after reading his account. Rick, by the way, makes beautiful grayscale reduction print portraits of petty criminals from old mug shots -- check them out. Anyhow, Rick finally got his baren covered and, this morning, so did I. It was nice to have online company getting through this first hurdle. So lesson #2 is, get as much help and moral support as you can. Here are some great resources for help in re-covering your baren: + David Bull's online step-by-step + David Bull's e-book "Your First Print" + Ryusei Okamoto's step-by-step photo tutorial All three are excellent. Dave Bull's e-book is especially great because it has a video of the entire process (plus there are chapters on every aspect of the craft). And the very awesome thing about Ryusei Okamoto's photos is that at the end he has a very clear demonstration of how to tie the finishing knot. Only after seeing his photos could I could figure that out. However. What I'm about to show you is a very poor imitation of a proper baren re-covering project. I know that you might tease me, but I show you these photos in the spirit of showing my whole process, warts and all. ![]() The lovely baren wrap by Matt Brown. [Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here] |
This item is taken from the blog woodblock dreams.
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Subject: Amalthea exchange 48
Posted by: Viza Arlington
This item is taken from the blog VIZArt.
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Subject: Block prep and the miracle of technology (barring crashes!)
Posted by: Sue
Receiving a new block from the blockmakers is a tactile experience. I love unwrapping the package to feel the cool, smooth wood and admire the close grain. This is a resurfaced block, which had been engraved on some 30 years ago. I sent it along with some others to Chris Daunt, (who doubtless had to give himself a steadying moment when he stopped laughing at the toe-curlingly bad engraving) and he shaved away the existing engraving and smoothed the block to a glassy shine on the engraving face. You can almost make out the old design but the block is smooth and silky to the touch. A new engraving block is a thing of beauty. Contrary to the label on the wrapper, this is not lemonwood, but pearwood. I bought it from TN Lawrence in London in 1980 and it arrived neatly wrapped in a piece of newspaper. Now I hope to engrave on it a second time and I hope the result is more competent. First I darkened that smooth shiny surface, by rubbing a little dilute writing ink over it, with a cloth. I darken the block so that I can see the engraved lines better, as they will stand out white against the dark. I don't darken it too much though, or I won't see the lines of my design. |
This item is taken from the blog Studio Window.
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