Hello all,
I'm looking for tips on trying to create and then print with woodcuts
with children (under 10).
I write reviews of books for this age group and will be doing a series
of reviews of picture books which have used this technique for their
illustrations eg Besty Bowen, Christopher Wormell, Lynd Ward and Antonio
Frasconi. With each review I include an activity inspired by the book
and so I'd really like to try and then write up some woodcut activities
appropriate for children.
I'm not after woodcut substitutes eg making prints from polystyrene or
lino, but rather any technique which is printing and using wood. For
example, for the very youngest I've thought about taking prints from
bark on trees whilst slightly older kids might be able to use balsa wood
to create their illustrations (I know balsa isn't a great wood to use,
not having a tight grain, but it would be easy for kids to work).
Any suggestion would be much appreciated, and of course if you'd like to
be acknowledged, or linked to when the series of posts eventually go
live (sometime in November probably) then I'd be happy to do so.
Thanks in anticipation,