Today's postings
- [Baren 39138] Re: New Baren Digest (Text) V47 #4864 (Jun 24, 2009) (David Harrison)
- [Baren 39139] Re: New Baren Digest (Text) V47 #4864 (Jun 24, 2009) (Daniel Dew)
- [Baren 39140] Tom Killion, Chicago presentation Friday ( slinders #
- [Baren 39141] Andy English in Chicago area ( slinders #
- [Baren 39142] New Exchange Managers' Hello (Kristine Alder)
- [Baren 39143] regarding "invitations" (ArtSpotiB #
- [Baren 39144] Re: regarding "invitations" (carol Montgomery)
- [Baren 39145] Re: regarding "invitations" (ArtSpotiB #
- [Baren 39146] You think you understand colour? (Dave Bull)
- [Baren 39147] Re: You think you understand colour? (Marissa)
- [Baren 39148] Re: You think you understand colour? (Barbara Mason)
- [Baren 39149] Re: You think you understand colour? ("Louise Cass")
- [Baren 39150] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
Oscar, while I completely agree that Peter's invite should not have been sent
to the list, I suspect it was an accident. There are a lot of sites --
Facebook included -- that ask you to upload your whole address book in order
to search for friends. Sometimes it's hard to spot the option that won't
result in a mass mailing to everyone you know! I learned my lesson on this the
hard way.
That said, I'd encourage anyone to double-check before inviting their whole
address book contacts to a social network or a contact manager site -- please
make sure the Baren list addresses aren't included.
Daniel, I think all sorts of things can get in the way of feed harvesting from
blogs -- a DNS outage, a webserver on a brief go-slow, or plain old timing. I
can't remember offhand when the cutoff for the blog notifier is, or in which
time zone. Perhaps you could try editing/saving the post without making any
changes, so it shows up as a new one again this evening? Usually works for me.
However wiser heads than mine can probably tell you what's what.
All the best,
David H
(Assisting Gayle with list subs, spam, and things that go bump in the night)
I am very, very sorry, that was a major mistake on my part. I rarely
comment or such, and I forgot that a reply go to all.
My apologies please.
Our friend and Baren member Andy English will be visiting,
engraving, and teaching during the Wood Engraver's Network
Gathering in the Chicago area July 19-24. If you wish to join
us for the Gathering, or especially to meet him and listen to
his presentation on Wednesday, July 22, please contact me for
particulars. You would be most welcome!
Hello Fellow Bareners!
As you are aware the time has come for a few changes in the organization here at Baren. Maria Arango has stepped down as Exchange Manager. We will miss her hustling behind the scenes, making sure everything comes together. We wish her well and look forward to her continuing artistic contributions through member exchanges. Mary Kuster and Kristine Alder will now share the responsibility as the new Exchange Managers. We look forward to working together in organizing and posting future exchanges here on Baren Forum.
As the new Exchange Managers, we'd like to take this opportunity to announce that Exchange 42 is just around the corner and invite everyone to prepare to sign up. There is no theme for this exchange and the size is yet to be announced. Sign up will begin at midnight (GMT) July 1, 2009. The same rules apply for signing up: if you are participating in Ex. 41, you must wait until the first week has passed to be eligible to fill any remaining spaces. As always we would like to have a pool of alternates waiting in the wings in case of drop-outs.
As a reminder to those participating Exchange 41, the deadline for submitting your prints is fast approaching.
They are due to arrive at coordinator Joseph Taylor's door on August 1, 2009.
Please plan accordingly so that we have no delays in returning your set of exchange prints.
Happy Cutting and Printing!
Kristine Alder
St. George, UT
Art Educator/Printmaker/Book Artist/Graphic Design
Dear Friends.
One of the pervasive new aspects of joining some of the free Net services
is that the service grabs ALL of the names in your address book, sending them
announcements or "invitations" to join the service. This is a form of
indirect advertising for the new service's advertisers. I doubt that the most
recent sender sent the invitation out to us directly. Rather, it was an
automatic grab by the service.
This is one of the reasons that I do not participate in facebook, twitter
and that ilk. By joining, one leaves the regular security of one's computer
open to invasive access. This might not seem harmful to you, but it also
means that one is vulnerabe to hacking as the door is then more easily opened.
Fads occur and many join crowds. Peer pressure and "convenience" are
increasingly powerful with the computers and computer age. I'm still of the kind
who never has the computer "know" in any document my ss# or my credit card
numbers. I do not spend a lot of time ensuring that my security has not been
breached. It often takes SIX LONG and INTENSIVE years to undo indentity
Not long ago an accountant mocked me for my choosiness, calling me
"paranoid". She had tight security in her own system. Within two months of speaking
to me, she was hacked. Being very interested in money, she caught the theft
before it snowballed. And she apologized too, gracefully, tho she thought
that my credit card system of an "alert" whenever my card is used over the
internet was silly. I did learn that my city puts credit cards over the Net if
one pays using the card.
Just wait until the newest item, that of making all the data be stored in
"the cloud" (the Net) gets going. Should be interesting to see not only the
time it takes to make it secure but who will control whether your information
can be released back to you, eh? I've had recent tussels with Intuit's
Quickbooks on that one, tho I paid for a special service with them. The
manouverings were similar to a 4 yr old's.
I donno, maybe there's some setting that forstalls the immediate and
automatic grabbing but it is not in the interest of these free sites/services to
set it as private first, then make one choose "let all my friends know". I
bet that our member did not anticipate this address grab. I decline by not
even opening the email if I can see what it is. Perhaps you will want to do so
as well.
Best Wishes to All
ArtSpot Out
Benny Alba in California
Hi, Benny - Thanks for the advice; it's difficult to know how invasive the services are. For instance, when I set up my Facebook account I had the option of inviting people from my Yahoo address book. I picked close friends and family members from the more extensive list which included colleagues and others. I have enjoyed Facebook and intend to start a blog and website in the future if I have time. Sincerely, Carol Montgomery, Helena, MT
Have fun!
Yeah, I've heard it from some pretty good sources that one of those
services actually can track lots of stuff on personal computers once one has signed
up! I had a friend at Lawrence Livermore Labs.... who runs the computers
there. Didnt' want to broadcast that to the listserve....
ArtSpot Out
BA in studio
Thanks for the fascinating link dave!
this was amazing....I know our brain sometimes tells us something is white when it is black.
I witnessed an auto accident at night and would have sworn the car that was hit was white and it was I guess my brain saw the impact as a blast of white. I was just stunned when I realized what had happened, if I had left the scene of the accident I would have been sure it was a white car. Sometimes your brain tells you what you think you see and not what you see....a good test of this is to look in the bathroom mirror. You think the image is the size of your head, but if you get a ruler and measure it you will see it is only about 4" high. A real brain trick.
My best to all
Absolutely fascinating! oh what problems for us colourists............
Digest Appendix
Postings made on [Baren] members' blogs
over the past 24 hours ...
Subject: [Forest in Summer - 9] : Block #5 finally done ...
Posted by: Dave Bull
Continued from [Forest in Summer - 8] | Starting point of the thread is [Forest in Summer - 1]
It's taken nearly a full week, but block #5 is finally done:
This will be a grey tone, and will have an effect on the tree (of course), and also on many of the grasses. Whether or not that overlapping will turn out to be a mistake or not, remains to be seen ...
Here's the latest update on the working hour totals:
1st block (image) : 17.5 hours
2nd block (image) : 17 hours
3rd block (image) : 15 hours
4th block (image) : 22 hours
5th block (image) : 32.5 hours
So, with 5 out of 10 block faces done, we've used 104 hours, spread out over 19 different days. Maximum for any give day has been 8.5 hours; minimum 1.5 hours.
Now, what's next?
The next block in 'sequence' should be the one that I showed earlier ...
[Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here]
This item is taken from the blog Woodblock RoundTable.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.
Posted by: Diane Cutter

'La Iglesia' ~ 'The Church'
Acuarela / Watercolor
Tamano / Size: 15cm x 10cm / 6" x 4"
I've using my watercolors this week with two goals in mind. First, it's been several years since I've done any watercolor (embarrassing since I'm a juried member of the Puerto Rican Watercolor Society) and, second, I wanted to work with dramatic light which I want to incorporate into my monochromatic woodcuts.
This is part of Old San Juan's historic San Jose Church, built in 1606, and one of two Gothic churches on the island. I love the play of light at high noon on old Puerto Rican buildings.
He estado pintando con acuarela esta semana con dos propositos. Primero, ha sido varios anos que no lo hago (aunque soy miembra de la Asociacion Acuarelista de Puerto Rico) y segundo queria trabajar con luz dramatica para incorporarla en los disenos monocromaticos de mis grabados en madera.
Este es parte de la Iglesia de San Jose del Viejo San Juan, construido en 1606, y uno de solo dos iglesias goticas en la isla. Me encanta la luz de mediodia vista en las paredes de los edificios antiguos de Puerto Rico.
This item is taken from the blog The Itinerant Artist.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.
Subject: Exhibition of prints, in Brisbane, Australia
Posted by: Georgina
My Community Printmaking Organisation, Impress is having its annual exhibition, this Friday for anyone in or near Brisbane, Australia. I will post some pictures of the opening which is happening tomorrow. I have not been doing any creative printmaking lately. I have worked on some editions and some administrative work. Hopefully I will be able to get into some new work soon.
This item is taken from the blog The Linocutter has a new adventure.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.