Just a reminder that here in Victoria it is June 20. The cut-off for
sign-ups for SWNS09 is tomorrow, June 21. DON'T MISS OUT!!! Sign up NOW
before it is too late ....
Please note: The SWNS09 exchange is not affiliated with Baren and is not an official Baren exchange. However, several Bareners have participated in our past exchanges and some are signed up for our current exchange.
Cheers ...... Charles
Southern Winter Northern Summer Solstice 2009 Print Exchange
You are invited to join an international group of printmakers who hold a print exchange at the time of the two yearly solstices. Here are the details for our next exchange. We remind you to please be mindful of the deadlines.
Sign-up deadline: June 21, 2009 ... sign up by sending private email to:
CharlesGMorgan@ yahoo.com
Deadline for receipt of prints: August 1, 2009
Prints to be sent to: Charles Morgan
77 Moss Street
Victoria, B.C. V8V 4M2
Theme: open
Technique: any editionable technique
Paper size: 7.5 x 11 inches, which is 19 x 28 cm
Edition size: depends on sign-ups ... usually about 30 ... details will be sent at the close of the sign-up period
Participation fee: $15 US or Canadian, to be sent with prints or by Paypal to the email address above
note: The time between sign-up and the required delivery date of the
prints is only 6 weeks. You should allow at least a week, and
preferably two, for international mail delivery. So you should begin
work on your prints immediately after signing up.
Digest Appendix
Postings made on [Baren] members' blogs
over the past 24 hours ...
Posted by: Diane Cutter

'Roadrunner' ~ 'Correcaminos'
Woodcut ~ Grabado en madera
Edition/edicion: 40
Size/tamano: 6.75"x5.25" / 17cmx13cm
You might remember my roadrunner photo when I was in New Mexico last winter. Here he is, in all his glory, the New Mexico state bird. Most of you know him from his cartoon antics but this admirable bird mates for life and is a wonderful parent, both male and female tending to their young.
Available on eBay.
Quizas acuerden el foto del correcamino que tome cuando estuve en Nuevo Mejico el invierno pasado. Aqui esta, en todo su gloria, el pajaro estatal de Nuevo Mejico. La mayoria de vos le conocen por sus aventuras en los dibujos animados pero este pajaro admirable se une para toda la vida y los dos, macho y hembra, ambos cuidan a su cria.
Disponible en eBay.
This item is taken from the blog The Itinerant Artist.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.