Greetings to you all,
Five years ago when I joined Baren I cobbled together a simple website to
upload prints and photographs as the best way of showing work to members.
Inevitably, I ran out of my allotted free space with the server and have
re-jigged the site to fit present day woodprints and artwork.
Latest work on:
Sharri, regarding your blog entry, I'm impressed with your copy of the
Titian. I always wanted to learn the old masters' technique in
painting just for the discipline of it. I did a Rembrandt copy once,
but I did it my way, just putting paint on the canvas (no
underpainting, etc.). It looks pretty good, considering how I did it,
but it would be good to learn how to do the glazes. I don't
understand how, with glazes, the paintings were able to look as
colorful as they do, especially with the underpainting having no
color. I'm looking forward to seeing your exchange woodcut next.
Burton, Ohio
Georga, it may be that one of your bearings or bushings has worn
down; that would cause uneven pressure from side to side. The people
at Dick Blick may have encountered the same issue & might have an
Clive Lewis
I need to get in touch with Mariana Bartolmeo Brookmueller. However, she is not responding to emails. Mariana, if you are out there, please get in touch with me as soon as possible at:
Sorry everyone ... I know she sometimes posts here, and this is my last resort for contacting her.
Cheers ..... Charles
-Interesting - I wonder if Dali could have cut the blocks himself - somehow doubt it - they look more like watercolours - even more so than Frankenthaler's woodcuts...
Harry - your new work is great espec the sketchbook entries - did you open out a regular sketchbook? I 've been doing that for landscapes and then - low and behold- just last week dicovered a new format (in
the US) - 6" x 13 1/2"! however I think I really prefer the division in sketches espec when it's a spiral bound book...
I hope people who've recently sent out Oxen read this post! I had a lovely treat when I came home after 2 weeks in the Sunny South - a batch of beautiful New Year cards - thanks to everyone! - can't read all the signatures but you know who you are - mine will be on their way shortly - I had made a large complex moku hanga card I'm not too happy with ( in a workshop with printmaker Elizabeth Forrest who organized the excellent show seen earlier at the Japan Foundation here in Toronto) so am now completing a smaller more conventional image
A "wow"!! I never had a term for it but my press bed had a dip in the center. I solved the problem by laying a thick layer of plexiglas over it with shims in the low area. I second the advice about a chase, or some runners the height of the block running alongside the block and longer than the block. I ran into these same problems when I tried (and eventually succeeded) in printing my daughter's wedding invitation letterpress from a boxcar poly plate on my little etching press. The paper wrinkled sort of out from the center and increasing on the end that went under the roller last. I had less of this problem on plates with an overall image and on the lettering it did better. Now that I'm more experienced at letterpress I realize that pressure and packing are critical and excessive or uneven pressure are to be avoided. I wonder if a dense rubber spongy mat like comes with the whelan press would help with your problems. We used that for
collagraphs and it worked really well.
I don't know the answer to your problem either, but wonder if the
Roller Gremlins have been in your studio. They are nasty creatures
who can cause the roller to, for no apparent reason, suddenly become
unleveled. Generally they disappear at the sight of a level placed on
the top of the roller. I've never heard of them causing a roller to
go out of round, so I doubt it is that. Probably more likely that the
bed needs to be flipped. Do let us know how you solve this crisis.
The more information we all share the better off we are to fight these
Cheers ~
thanks to all who have replied. for today im going to print on the press in my classroom (also a dick blick) but ill be playing with the press during the week to see what i can do. ill report back with my results.
ps i have my ox cut and ready to go. hes sitty with my dog, pig and possibly some other creatures waiting to be printed. i promise i will get all of these to everyone
hi again
?? i ran 2 prints on the press in my classroom and the same thing happened so i dont think its the press afterall. im using rives 88 dry and ive never used this paper before. on the second print i followed barbaras suggestion and put mat board on the press and the results were much better. so im hoping the problem is solved
thanks again
Digest Appendix
Postings made on [Baren] members' blogs
over the past 24 hours ...
Subject: Swinger
Posted by: Sharri
Last Fall when it was sign up time for Baren Forum Exchange 39 I was about as enthusiastic as one can possibly get, but then I ran into a snag. The theme was a self portrait as a tree. I just couldn't get moving on what the heck kind of tree I could possibly be. I could be a fir because I love the rain, I could talk myself into being just about any tree you can think of, but I could not decide. Then I was hit with another kidney infection and spent 5 hours one Sat. in the ER with various liquids being dripped into my veins as they waited for my heart rate to go down. After that it seemed to just take forever to get any energy back again. I had decided to back out of the exchange on Jan. 1, the last day to withdraw and let some other eager woodblock printer to get their chance in this one. Wouldn't you know, that very day the Exchange Coordinator sent an email to everyone saying there was no one waiting in the wings and we were already short two people. Immediately, guilt and obligation moved in and I started cutting and carving and printing furiously. Suddenly, I had settled on an image and it was full speed ahead. The deadline was Feb. 1. I think my . . .
[Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here]
This item is taken from the blog Rag & Bone.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.
Subject: Artist book!
Posted by: Lynn
Making a full length artist book was much more of an undertaking than I had ever imagined. I thought I was home free once I had my concept but, oh, was I wrong!!
This book has to do with the past 8 long years and I found I couldn't put in everything I wanted to, which is just as well. I had to learn to distill things and figure out when one image would speak for many. I struggled with the chronological sequence and in the end had to be arbitrary about which pages came in which order. The Book Arts Roundtable, of which I'm a member, is having a show starting next week at the Pierro Gallery, at the Baird in South Orange, NJ, and this book was made as my contribution. Since I'm a new member, this is my first time having a book in the gallery show. I'm anxious about whether it's good enough or too controversial. Tomorrow I hand it in and then I can just let it be.
As you can see, I used my own paste paper for the cover and I used a Coptic binding. The "button" is rolled up and glued paper like the cover paper. The cover pleases . . .
[Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here]
This item is taken from the blog WoodHandlePress.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.