Exchange #38 has had a late drop-out; everyone will receive 29 prints.
The deadline has past, if you do not have prints ready and are planning on
mailing next week, please notify immediately.
I now have 9 people on "probation" due to late drop outs. I know and
coordinators know that life sometimes has a way of getting in the way of art
and fun. And I know that this is just a friendly exchange of prints and the
sky doesn't collapse when a few printmakers are late.
However, there is a FOUR MONTH lapse between the exciting time of signing up
for an exchange and the inevitable date prints are due. Waiting until the
last two weeks and expecting to come up with 31 reasonably quality image and
prints is pretty much inexcusable, in my book.
It is always up to the coordinator (and me as a back up) to decide when
enough is enough and end any further delays. I would hate to start having
short exchanges, we were doing so good!!!
This makes it so much more imperative that those signed up for Exchange #39
start their prints NOW, since moku-hanga is a multiple block, multiple
color, hand-printed technique.
Exchange #39 now has two people on the waiting list and I would highly
recommend that everyone prepares prints.
Let's boogie!
Please change my email address to:
1000woodcuts [at] gmail [dot] com
Maria Arango