Since my outlook express program will not connect through my hotmail account, because of Easter and the tons of people here, I am writing this through the list. To Baren Coordinator #36, my prints should be to you on time. I gave them to a girl friend who comes down for 3 weeks every year to stay in her time shares. She will go back to the states the first week in April, so they should get to you before the first of May. I gave her postage money and told her to go to the post office and purchase a priority box that the prints will fit into and gave her mailing labels to put on the box. Hope she is as trustworthy as I think she is and all should be well.
Marilynn in sunny Baja
Apologies for lack of communication of late; I have been keeping an eye
on the emails though.
I came up against a brick wall with printing my wood engravings; no
matter how hard I tried my prints came out spotty and uneven. I wasted
a lot of paper. The problem turned out to be a wobbly rubber el-cheapo
brayer. No wonder I was getting nowhere. My next problem was chronic
cash shortage and I couldn't immediately run out and buy a proper
Durathene brayer from Lawrences. So......I waited....stuff piled up on
top of my proofing press....then finally....I could get my brayer! I
was so excited! Sadly, a stack of rush work came in for my 'day' job
and I had to get that done. Doh!
I'd been working in odd moments to rid myself of extraneous background
on my dog block....(next time I get a dremel, or have no cut-away
background! Bloomin' hard work that was!) and at last today, I found
myself free to print. The new roller worked like a dream! Instead of
running off 20 mediocre prints before one came good, the first was
perfectly impressed, just slightly light. The next was spot on. I am
sooooo happy! Now I can get on and not feel as if I'm working with one
hand tied behind.
And the moral of this tale is: Don't stint on the quality of your
tools, even if you have to save a bit longer for the best. :-)
I'll start blogging again soon, too.
Hi Bareners,
I must tell all collectors and art affiliations which I notified of my
June/August 2008 exhibit at the Anelle
Gandelman Gallery, Larchmont, NY, know that she has cancelled it.
I relied on her word and I had a commitment in keeping the time frame free.
Her cancellation is a decision I consider unethical.
Cut , Print
Carol Lyons
Dear Friends,
Our Wanda is pretty sick. She is undergoing chemo for
the next 6 months for small cell cancer. The doctors
are hopeful that the chemo will beat it into
remission. So far she is responding well to the
I have been debating with myself wether or not to put
this very personal information out on the list, but I
have decided that getting cards from all her faithful
friends around the world might help her through this
difficult time.
Please send positive vibes and our concern for her to
her daughter where she is staying until she recovers
Wanda Robertson
c/o Lauren Robertson and Greg Penner
2135 NE Territorial PL
Canby OR 97103
Do not send her emails as she if off the computer for
the forseeable future until she feels better.
Gayle Wohlken is taking over as list moderator, so if
you have a problem email her and she will deal with it
of find someone on the council who can.
My very best to all
PS, if you know Wanda well and want more information,
please email me off list.