Hey folks,
Well... I'm a novice woodcut printmaker from Golden B.C. Canada, I discovered the Baron Forum a while ago, but have only posted once before. I'd like to now "formally" introduce myself to your community.
About a year ago while looking through the woodworking section in a bookstore I ran across a book about woodcut printmaking, it surprised me to find that many of the black and white images I had been attracted to in the past were actually created by carving blocks of wood... what a shock to my uneducated mind. So, the book was bought and here I am 8 (or so) prints later. It has so far been a rewarding experience not only learning the carving, but also in learning to draw and work with image.
A couple hours ago I created a Blog showing a print I'm working on and I'm going to try and include another completed one tonight. While the standard here of work seems extremely high, I still would like to submit my Blog. It would be great for me to get any critical feedback that you as individuals may offer, and I hope my work will encourage other novice printmakers to give it a shot.
thanks all,