Today's postings

  1. [Baren 31881] Re: New Baren Digest (Text)  V36 #3636 (Sep 26, 2006) (Cstreetstudios #
  2. [Baren 31882] RE: alphabet theme of Exchange #31 ("J Engelhardt")
  3. [Baren 31883] #31 theme ("Lee Churchill")
  4. [Baren 31884] Re: we need to decide theme of Exchange #31 ("Roy")
  5. [Baren 31885] RE: october 1 theme ("Bea Gold")
  6. [Baren 31886] Re: alphabet theme of Exchange #31 (ArtfulCarol #
  7. [Baren 31887] Re: october 1 theme (slinders #
  8. [Baren 31888] Re: Baren Digest (old) V36 #3636 ("Marilynn Smith")
  9. [Baren 31889] re: acetate hanshita ("Maria Arango")
  10. [Baren 31890] Re: acetate hanshita ("Carolyn & John Ramsey")
  11. [Baren 31891] blog ("M Pereira")
  12. [Baren 31892] blog ("M Pereira")
  13. [Baren 31893] Re: we need to decide theme of Exchange #31 (Sharri LaPierre)
  14. [Baren 31894] Re: acetate hanshita ("Maria Arango")
  15. [Baren 31895] Re: blog (Julio.Rodriguez #
  16. [Baren 31896] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
  17. [Baren 31897] Keiji Hinohara video ("Jean Womack")
  18. [Baren 31898] Re: Keiji Hinohara video (Derek Andrews)
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Message 1
From: Cstreetstudios #
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:18:59 EDT
Subject: [Baren 31881] Re: New Baren Digest (Text)  V36 #3636 (Sep 26, 2006)
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Hi Mike,
Thanks for getting back with me. This is easy to respond to - I wasn't
sure I was doing it right, but it works great.
It would be fun to do a letter with some artwork around it. I hope we
can request one - I'd love to do 'R' - from my last name.
Anyway, thanks for the paper size info and hope I can start
participating in the exchange.
Does anyone do the other print swap?

Custom Invitations, Stationery & Small Business Design
C Street Studios - Graphic Design
Jennifer Ressmann
Golden Colorado 80403
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Message 2
From: "J Engelhardt"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 13:26:12 +0000
Subject: [Baren 31882] RE: alphabet theme of Exchange #31
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Exchange #31 could be alphabet. If so we should do upper and lower case
letters, people could do one letter in relation to the order that they are
on the list 26 Upper case and 26 Lower case as an edition of 52. Would be
good to have it as square format... 8"...

Has my interest, Jason E

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Message 3
From: "Lee Churchill"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:43:42 -0600
Subject: [Baren 31883] #31 theme
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I vote for an alphabet as well. Bound or unbound is fine by me.
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Message 4
From: "Roy"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 06:57:35 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31884] Re: we need to decide theme of Exchange #31
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One more vote for alphabet. The coordinator has enough to do without
binding, too. But the spacing and alignment might be specified such that
each individual could bind at his/her leisure.
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Message 5
From: "Bea Gold"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:58:59 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31885] RE: october 1 theme
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Remember we did a 9/11 exchange 5 years ago we called a Fireman exchange.
Was it Carol Lyon who spearheaded it? Bea
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Message 6
From: ArtfulCarol #
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:12:54 EDT
Subject: [Baren 31886] Re: alphabet theme of Exchange #31
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Alphabet together with the punctuations makes a convenient 30 or 31.
I'm for alphabet.
Carol Lyons
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Message 7
From: slinders #
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:56:37 -0500
Subject: [Baren 31887] Re: october 1 theme
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It was John Center's project, Bea. It was proposed on 9-11-01,
at 6:46 pm. He wrote:
"I am going to do a print and would like others to work on it if
possible in honor of the real heroes and if possible for the
benefit for there loved ones who are now widowed please contact
me if you are interested.

John Center
john of the furry press

contact me on or of list"


Bea Gold wrote:
> Remember we did a 9/11 exchange 5 years ago we called a Fireman exchange.
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Message 8
From: "Marilynn Smith"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:44:17 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31888] Re: Baren Digest (old) V36 #3636
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Drats, probably will not do this next exchange. But if for some weird
reason i decide to and i get in i would vote alphabet, unbound.
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Message 9
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:31:40 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31889] re: acetate hanshita
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Annie, I have carved through acetate hanshitas and I too used spray adhesive
to stick to the wood. I also found it a bit weird as I lost the feel of the
wood. Glassine worked better for me, adhered with standard wallpaper paste
(cheap wheat paste) and it does not stretch like paper. It does tend to come
off while carving if not stuck really well, though.

After a while I gave up on pasting hanshitas and instead use this method:
-I carve the whole key block first; lacking a key block, the guide block
that contains all the information.
-With that block inked, I use a corner "jig" and place the corner of the
block against the registration jig.
-I tape or pin a sheet of acetate to the registration board guides and print
the key block on the acetate.
-I lift the acetate, remove the key block, place a new block in the jig and
bring down the acetate which then transfer the design onto the new block.
Well, you have to help it by applying pressure, of course; a baren works
-Lift acetate, replace key block, print on acetate. Lift, new block, down,
print, etc. with all your color blocks. You can save the acetate for
reference when adding things on the color blocks that weren't in the key

The main advantage of this method is that you are transferring the _actual
carved key_ to the color blocks and thus registration is perfect to the key,
not to a line that has to be carved in every block. It works with both oil
based inks and water based with a little retarder to allow you time to
transfer the ink. With oil based inks (or roll-relief inks) you really only
have to re-ink the key block once every two or three transfers.
Another advantage is that you can alter the key block once the design is
transferred onto all the color blocks, I usually like to eliminate some
lines to avoid the stained-glass window look. Some of my older multi-color
works were done this way and I never had registration problems.

I hope that made sense, come on over and I'll show you real quick lol


Maria Arango
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Message 10
From: "Carolyn & John Ramsey"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 16:22:14 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31890] Re: acetate hanshita
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You and Barbara have so many good tips! I print them off and save them.
You are so generous! I just wanted to thank you (and the rest of the good
advise givers!)

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Message 11
From: "M Pereira"
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 05:34:23 -0200
Subject: [Baren 31891] blog
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Hello, artists

see my photo and a show I did on the street named
Portrait and Selfportrait, please, and say something

thank you

you friend Murilo from Floripa

the address
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Message 12
From: "M Pereira"
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 05:34:23 -0200
Subject: [Baren 31892] blog
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Hello, artists

see my photo and a show I did on the street named
Portrait and Selfportrait, please, and say something

thank you

you friend Murilo from Floripa

the address
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Message 13
From: Sharri LaPierre
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:29:38 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31893] Re: we need to decide theme of Exchange #31
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I like the unbound alphabet, too. (additional 4: !?&@) How about
the alphabet featuring trees and nudes? Or is that too racy? I like to
keep everyone happy - LOL

Happy printing,
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Message 14
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 20:00:50 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31894] Re: acetate hanshita
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You're long as you don't think I'm some kind of an expert or
nothing like that. I just read a lot of books and experim--make a LOT of


Maria Arango
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Message 15
From: Julio.Rodriguez #
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:53:33 -0500
Subject: [Baren 31895] Re: blog
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Dear Murilo...

I love your work, your black & white portraits are very strong (is that
the right word ?) very direct and show human emotion....reminds me a
little bit of the work of your fellow Brazilian printmaker and also baren
member Horacio Neto.

congratulations......Julio Rodriguez (Skokie, Illinois)
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Message 16
From: Blog Manager
Date: 27 Sep 2006 03:55:12 -0000
Subject: [Baren 31896] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification
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This is an automatic update message being sent to [Baren] by the forum blog software.

The following new entries were found on the listed printmaker's websites during the past 24 hours. (23 sites checked, five minutes before midnight Eastern time)


Site Name: m.Lee Fine Art

Author: m.Lee


Site Name: Mokuhankan Conversations

Author: Dave Bull
Item: Ukiyo-e Colouring eBook now ready!


Site Name: Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog

Author: bdelpesco
Item: Window Seat (self portrait) - Monotype & Watercolor


Site Name: VIZArt

Author: Viza Arlington
Item: Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War

Author: Viza Arlington
Item: Iraq (Monotypes)


[Baren] members: if you have a printmaking blog (or a website with a published ATOM feed), and wish it to be included in this daily checklist, please write to the Baren Blog Manager at:

For reference, sites/blogs currently being checked are:
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Message 17
From: "Jean Womack"
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:43:18 -0700
Subject: [Baren 31897] Keiji Hinohara video
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[Baren] Daily DigestI thought I died and went to heaven when I saw this video by Keiji Shinohara. It explains a lot with few words. thanks for mentioning it, Annie. I don't know what happened to my email program. It won't let me write more than two words on a line at a time.

Jean Womack

Looking at the very excellent video that was posted by Keiji Shinohara a
couple of weeks ago
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Message 18
From: Derek Andrews
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 08:44:24 -0300
Subject: [Baren 31898] Re: Keiji Hinohara video
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Jean Womack wrote:

> Looking at the very excellent video that was posted by Keiji Shinohara a
> couple of weeks ago
> (

This page seems to have been moved to

Derek Andrews, woodturner - a blog for my customers - a blog for woodturners