Today's postings

  1. [Baren 28519] Re: Tengu Hanga (Mike Lyon)
  2. [Baren 28520] Hello (AGott26909 #
  3. [Baren 28521] Re: Tengu Hanga (Mike Lyon)
  4. [Baren 28522] Re: Hello (Daniel Dew)
  5. [Baren 28523] Tengu Hanga ("Lori Biwer-Stewart")
  6. [Baren 28524] Re: Tengu Hanga (Jeanne Norman Chase)
  7. [Baren 28525] Re: Hello (Ragtaghorde #
  8. [Baren 28526] Re: Tengu Hanga ("Ellen Shipley")
  9. [Baren 28527] exchange 26 (FurryPressII #
  10. [Baren 28528] Re: Hello (Diane Cutter)
  11. [Baren 28529] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
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Message 1
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 08:54:22 -0500
Subject: [Baren 28519] Re: Tengu Hanga
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Ellen Shipley wrote:
>What does an "all hanga exchange" mean exactly? I've googled hanga and
>have been trying to educate myself, but I haven't come up with a precise
>definition as yet.

Dear Ellen (and all),

When they say "all hanga", they mean traditional Japanese woodblock print
(we've been calling them "moku-hanga", usually) -- waterborne pigments
brushed onto the blocks and printed by hand using a baren (printing
disk). Hanga are usually multi-block multi-color prints. Oily inks or the
use of a press would be prohibited in an all-hanga exchange (we've
previously done one all-hanga exchange -- #15 if you'd
care to see the gallery?

I've been dutifully collecting everyone's suggestions for theme for #27 and
will continue to do until we 'decide'... If we had to choose today,
though, it appears that the consensus is for an all-hanga exchange with a
tengu theme... I hope you'll keep this discussion going and that we'll
nail it down in the next several weeks.

-- Mike Lyon, Baren Exchange Manager

Mike Lyon
Kansas City, Missouri
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Message 2
From: AGott26909 #
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:23:19 EDT
Subject: [Baren 28520] Hello
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Looks like the problems with my posting have been worked out! So, Here goes-

I have been a member for over a year, just absorbing all the info and banter
on the forum, but never posting. I have picked up a LOT of great info from
the posts... And have really enjoyed the chatter as well! Since I am
participating in Exchange #26, I thought perhaps I should jump in and say "Hi".

I have followed the exchanges, and am GLAD that I have finally made it in
to one! A few on here already know me from the WetCanvas Printmaking forum,
But I am new to most.

I work as a Merchant Marine officer full time, and an artist part time. I
live in Tarpon Springs, FL (near Tampa, on the gulf). I do all sorts of art- But
like to concentrate on relief printing, especially linocuts.

You can take a peek at my work on my web page, I have MOST of it up and
running, it is _http://www.agott.com_ (http://www.agott.com_)

The site isn't even close to being complete yet, But you can see some of my
artwork there, my printmaking and other misc. work. Let me know what you

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Message 3
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 09:22:05 -0500
Subject: [Baren 28521] Re: Tengu Hanga
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I had written:
>#15 if
>you'd care to see the gallery?

I should add that many prints from our first (and only) all moku-hanga
exchange #15 were exhibited alongside prints by Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec,
Arthur Wesley Dow, Mary Cassatt, Bertha Lum, Paul Jacoulet, Norma Bassett
Hall and others during the Spencer Museum of Art's May-June, 2003 "Inspired
by Japan" show, organized and curated by Cori Sherman and Steve Goddard.

-- Mike

Mike Lyon
Kansas City, Missouri
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Message 4
From: Daniel Dew
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:28:31 -0400
Subject: [Baren 28522] Re: Hello
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No way!
I live in Tampa, FL. We need to meet for lunch or something!
Too cool.

Daniel L. Dew
Tampa, FL
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Message 5
From: "Lori Biwer-Stewart"
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:32:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Baren 28523] Tengu Hanga
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Thanks for bringing this up Ellen. I don't know what Tengu or Hanga
actually mean, either. Could someone please explain?

Lori Biwer-Stewart
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Message 6
From: Jeanne Norman Chase
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 08:42:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 28524] Re: Tengu Hanga
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I ventured into the Hanga exchange many moons ago and although it was my first (and last) Hanga print. I did learn a lot and am ready, willing and able to venture into another one.
One can feel "safe" and never learn.

Jeanne N.
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Message 7
From: Ragtaghorde #
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 12:36:24 EDT
Subject: [Baren 28525] Re: Hello
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Andrew -

Thank you for sending your link! I really enjoyed your linocuts
particularly. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the exchange.

Annie F.

Annie Fitt
& the Ragtag Horde ~ Whippets of Mass Destruction!
Wake, Virginia
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Message 8
From: "Ellen Shipley"
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 09:53:14 -0700
Subject: [Baren 28526] Re: Tengu Hanga
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Message 9
From: FurryPressII #
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 12:55:32 EDT
Subject: [Baren 28527] exchange 26
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Will Dale Phelps please contact me as you are now in exchange 26.

john c.
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Message 10
From: Diane Cutter
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 16:20:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 28528] Re: Hello
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So glad to have you posting here, finally, Andrew... You certainly do wonderful work and everyone in the next exchange is going to be as charmed by your work as I am...

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Message 11
From: Blog Manager
Date: 12 Aug 2005 03:55:02 -0000
Subject: [Baren 28529] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification
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This is an automatic update message being sent to [Baren] by the forum blog software.

The following new entries were found on the listed printmaker's websites during the past 24 hours. (8 sites checked, just before midnight Eastern time)


Site Name: Woodblock Dreams

Author: Annie B
Item: Preparing the Paper


[Baren] members: if you have a printmaking blog (or a website with a published ATOM feed), and wish it to be included in this daily checklist, please write to the Baren Blog Manager at: