Today's postings

  1. [Baren 27021] RE: Baren Digest (old) V30 #2950 ("marilynn smih")
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Message 1
From: "marilynn smih"
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 08:19:53 -0800
Subject: [Baren 27021] RE: Baren Digest (old) V30 #2950
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My girl friend here in Baja wanted to support me as an artist and purchase
one of my wood block prints. She asked, "what do you do with them." I said
you frame them and put them on the wall. Now that was a really stupid
response, as she told me she had no wall space left in her small condo. She
will be getting one of my prints, but not framed. I should know better and
have told her you need a folder to store it in and when you want to share it
with a friend or just enjoy it you can open the folder and have it for
seeing. So I made a small folder out of matboard, covered it with a piece
of cloth and glued a piece of acid free paper inside for the print to rest
on. This is my first attempt, so it is a bit crude, but in the future I
will be making more of these instead of just matting my work. The Japanese
were really smart when they chose this method to keep hanga prints. We
should all think about this tradition when we work with the water based
pigments. It could also be used with our oil based prints.
Have a nice day.