Baren Digest
[Baren] - the International Forum for Woodblock Printmaking
Volume: 25 / Number: 2448
Thursday, 20 of November, 2003
Today's postings:
- [Baren 23406] upcoming show (Cucamongie #
- [Baren 23407] Travel question (Janet Hollander)
- [Baren 23408] Seattle Visit (Mike Lyon)
- [Baren 23409] a message from Paul Kiler (Wanda)
- [Baren 23410] craft sales / shrink-wrapping ("Chris Bailey")
- [Baren 23411] Re: a message from Paul Kiler (ArtfulCarol #
- [Baren 23412] Re: craft sales / shrink-wrapping (MccarthyDb #
- [Baren 23413] Re: a message from Paul Kiler (MccarthyDb #
- [Baren 23414] Re: craft sales / shrink-wrapping (L Cass)
- [Baren 23415] Re: craft sales / shrink-wrapping (Charles Morgan)
- [Baren 23416] woodcut prints at craft fairs (Margaret Szvetecz)
- [Baren 23417] RE: woodcut prints at craft fairs ("Maria Arango")
- [Baren 23418] Re: a message from Paul Kiler (GWohlken)
Message 1
From: Cucamongie #
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 08:41:06 EST
Subject: [Baren 23406] upcoming show
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Hi folks, I know this is not exactly print-related but since many of you are
"drawers", in case any of you out there are in Alexandria, Virginia, I have
several quirky drawings in a show called "Marks" at Target Gallery at the
Torpedo Factory Art Center, 105 North Union Street, Alexandria, VA 22314,
703-838-4565. The show runs Nov. 22 to Jan 4, the reception is Thursday Dec. 11, 6-8
pm and includes a public lecture by the juror, Rex Weil, artist and critic.
Gallery hours are Wed-Sunday 12-5 pm.
They have juried shows on various themes so you might want to check out their
website at for other upcoming calls for entry etc.
Enjoy, and happy printing all!
Message 2
From: Janet Hollander
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 11:44:12 -0500
Subject: [Baren 23407] Travel question
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Hello Bareners. This is a longshot - my husband and I are visiting Costa
Rica next week (Nov. 24-29) and it occurred to me, who knows, maybe there
are bareners in San Jose. We'll be in Rincon de la Vieja and then Genesis
II, with Friday afternoon and evening in San Jose. Feel free to write and
introduce yourself to me offline if you are out there.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.
janet.hollander at
Message 3
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 11:00:40 -0600
Subject: [Baren 23408] Seattle Visit
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Hey! Linda and I will be visiting her sister in Port Townsend, WA next
week for Thanksgiving and we are going to spend a day in Seattle (probably
Tue nite and Wed day) before driving up to PT. Any of you Seattle locals
want to get together for a museum visit or a coffee or something? That'd
be fun!
-- Mike
Mike Lyon
Message 4
From: Wanda
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 10:52:58 -0800
Subject: [Baren 23409] a message from Paul Kiler
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Hello all,
I thank Sharen Linder For her help in getting me onto this list...
I have a question for all participants in the Text Messages Exhibit...
I am working on a book about Biblical Woodcuts, and would love to see the
work done for this exhibit, as well as other Biblically themed works done by
all here...
How can we get scans of all of the images?
Sharen mentioned that sometimes reassembling prints after an exhausting
exhibition is difficult...
So, If anyone in interested in helping me see their work, it will be up to
the individual artist, instead of the event coordinator, and I appreciate
any of you that can help me see your works.
Thanks ever so much for your attention,
Only by His Marvelous Grace,
Paul Kiler
Art as Servant
Message 5
From: "Chris Bailey"
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:53:13 -0700
Subject: [Baren 23410] craft sales / shrink-wrapping
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Hello everyone. Chris from Calgary once again.
The book press is working well. I'm still doing a little 'spoon work'
after the press printing just as a touch-up. Overall, the prints are
turning out quite nicely. I still haven't tried reduction or
multi-colour blocks yet. I've been busy getting prints ready for
sale.... which brings me to my first question...
I spent last weekend selling prints at a community 'Christmas craft
show'. I have sold a few prints, and got to meet lots (and lots) of
people and had a chance to explain the woodcut printing process to them.
Most people do not have any idea about woodcuts. Overall, people's
responces have been very positive. Has anybody tried similar 'crafts
shows'? Is this a good idea? Any pointers or suggestions?
There is also some 'retail' craft stores that rent small cubicles to
display and sell. These stores basically take care of the sales aspect
without me having to be there, for a small fee of course (~$100 per
month). I not a huge fan of putting 'limited edition woodcut prints'
into the 'craft' category, but if it will help me pay the bills without
having to get a 'real job', then I'm okay with it.
I used to sandwich my prints between 2 sheets of black acid free paper
and then put that into a cardboard folder. I would place one of my
certificates inside and also put a small sticker on the outside showing
a picture of the print and the edition number. This folder was then
held closed using a couple of elastics. I was quite proud of this
setup and thought it looked quite 'classy' for the sale of my prints.
(If anyone is interested in more details I would be happy to pass along
pics and more details).
Unfortunately, this setup does not work well for 'retail' selling. I
have now switched to shink-wrapping my prints. Certificate behind, acid
free foam core, print in front. In order to keep the shinkwrap cost
low, I ended up buying a industrial shinkwrap cutter and sealer (~$200).
Now I can buy 'industrial shinkwrap' at a cost of $40 for 500 feet (16"
wide), instead of $10 for 10 feet at a craft store (which generally
sells it as basket-wrap). I am including a small warning label on the
back of each wrapped print letting the buyer know that the
'shrink-wrapping is done for sales display purposes only, and prints
should not be left in the shinkwrap for any longer than necessary'.
I'm happy with the whole shrink-wrapping but want to make sure that I'm
not endangering my prints in any way. Does any body have any thoughts
or suggestions about this? I could matt each print to ensure that the
ink does not come in contact with the wrap, but I would like to keep the
process as simple & quick as possible.
Almost done.... (wow, I didn't realize how much I can ramble on... :-)
And finally, as my work is selling a craft shows, I decided to do a
'wildlife' print. Not my usual thing, but animals are what everybody
up here in the great white north seems to want (I'm not sure about
elsewhere). I chosen to see at as a challenge instead of a sell-out.
Anyway.... I did it and I'm actually very happy with it. It can be
seen at .
I've decided to call it a 'wood engraving' rather than a woodcut, as the
technique I used on the nose is more pointillism than regular woodcut.
If anyone has any comments I would love to hear them (hopefully everyone
will be kind :-)
(I hope it was okay for me to toot my own horn for a minute there)
Thanks again everyone,
=Chris Bailey=
bringing artists & buyers together
Message 6
From: ArtfulCarol #
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 17:48:00 EST
Subject: [Baren 23411] Re: a message from Paul Kiler
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Paul Kiler
I have Biblical woodblock images from Deuteronomy.
Would like to know about your book.
Carol Lyons
Message 7
From: MccarthyDb #
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:25:20 EST
Subject: [Baren 23412] Re: craft sales / shrink-wrapping
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congratulations- lovely tiger print Chris!!!! keep up the good work- bobette
Message 8
From: MccarthyDb #
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:28:30 EST
Subject: [Baren 23413] Re: a message from Paul Kiler
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I have been working on images from the Book of Esther- Like Carol, I would
also love to hear more about your book!
Have you seen Barry Moser's illustrations of the Bible? Wood engravings- but
there was a lot out there in terms of national coverage when he first
published it- I saw the vellum bound edition- very impressive. bobette
Message 9
From: L Cass
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:42:45 -0500
Subject: [Baren 23414] Re: craft sales / shrink-wrapping
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I have a feeling that you probably shouldn't confuse buyers by labelling a
woodcut "wood engraving" as the latter employs end grain wood
as opposed to "plankwood " which one assumes you've used??!!
Altho' obviously related it seems a good idea to emphasize the differences
in order to convey the unique qualities of each,
However, errors are always being made re this - I have a monograph
on Dufy where what are obviously woodcuts are referred to as 'wood
engravings' - very irritating and confusing.
Re shrinkwrapping for protecting prints - the gallery I'm with here in TO
seems to approve as does Museum London's Art Rental & Sales gallery.
Your tiger is very handsome!
Louise Cass
Message 10
From: Charles Morgan
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 16:54:45 -0800
Subject: [Baren 23415] Re: craft sales / shrink-wrapping
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At 01:53 PM 11/20/03 -0700, you wrote:
>And finally, as my work is selling a craft shows, I decided to do a
>'wildlife' print. Not my usual thing, but animals are what everybody up
>here in the great white north seems to want (I'm not sure about
>elsewhere). I chosen to see at as a challenge instead of a
>sell-out. Anyway.... I did it and I'm actually very happy with it. It
>can be seen at
>. I've decided to call it a 'wood engraving' rather than a woodcut, as
>the technique I used on the nose is more pointillism than regular
>woodcut. If anyone has any comments I would love to hear them
>(hopefully everyone will be kind :-)
Hello Chris,
Pretty neato tiger, I must say. Keep me posted on your success at the
craft shows. Not to be too personal, but what sizes are your prints, do you
sell any framed, and how much are you getting for them? I have thought of
doing something similar here in Victoria, as there are a TON of craft shows
close to Xmas here. But my sweetie tried it last year with her hand hooked
rugs, cushion covers, etc ... she had very poor success. But last year
craft fairs all did poorly here ... attendance only 1/3 what it used to be,
Cheers ...... Charles
Message 11
From: Margaret Szvetecz
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:17:01 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
Subject: [Baren 23416] woodcut prints at craft fairs
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Chris, Maria Arranga has substantial experience doing arts/crafts shows, and she has posted about this experience on Baren. She's probably too busy to post to Baren right now--I seem to remember reading a post saying she was getting into the "busy season". Reading Maria's posts on the baren archives might be useful--and she always writes in an entertaining style!
Margaret (Szvetecz)
Message 12
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:40:28 -0800
Subject: [Baren 23417] RE: woodcut prints at craft fairs
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Hello all from Scottsdale Arizonia!
Marrrrrrrrrrrrria here, in fact Chris if you want some setting up
experience, be sure to show up tomorrow nice and early and I'll put you
to work (let's call it an apprenticeship? :-)
Well, indeed a bit too busy to chat at the moment, plus I'm on dial up
at the motel, egads! how can you people stand it...I miss my cable.
Anyhow, if you go to my website, there is a Yahoo Groups sign up box for
an art festival group; go ahead and at least check out the YahooGroup
archive where I have posted a few resources for art/craft fairs. I know
there is a certain stigma attached to artists who do these, but don't
worry about that and just sit happily between the frilly glass hangings
and the tie-dye t-shirts and rake in the big bucks...well, maybe little
bucks to start but they get bigger after a while.
The main thing is to choose your shows wisely, here are some resources:
I probably got those wrong, in my website, under links you will find
them listed. If you have any specific questions I'll be happy to answer
I'm off to an early sleep so I can humpf my tent to my spot tomorrow!
Message 13
From: GWohlken
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 22:41:04 -0500
Subject: [Baren 23418] Re: a message from Paul Kiler
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>re: Text Messages Exhibit...
There was no email address in your post, Paul. I have two images that
were in the Text Messages show which i could send as attachments to
End of [Baren] Digest